Review: 3 secrets of resilient people

Dr. D. M. Hardy
2 min readMay 12, 2021


Speaker: Dr. Lucy Hone
Date: August 2019
Location: Christchurch, New Zealand

Description from TED website:
Everyone experiences loss, but how do you cope with the tough moments that follow? Resilience researcher Lucy Hone shares three hard-won strategies for developing the capacity to brave adversity, overcome struggle, and face whatever may come head-on with fortitude and grace.

Select this image to jump to the actual video on the TED website.
Select the image to go to the actual video.

My Review / Notes / Thoughts

She starts this talk off with a demonstration that showcases that adversity does not discriminate. All of us have, or will in the future, have to deal with adversity.

She provides us with the three strategies that help people be resilient. I’ll sum them up here, but you need to go watch the video to get all the good details!

  1. Resilient people know that bad things happen.
  2. Resilient people are good at choosing carefully where they place their attention.
  3. Resilient people ask themselves “Is what I’m doing helping or harming me?”

If you get nothing else from this talk, the third strategy should be your takeaway. No matter what your situation, asking yourself the question to help you make your decision can have life-impacting results and help you develop your resiliency.

I think this talk would be an excellent assignment starter for college freshmen. After all, college is a perfect place to develop your resiliency before you get out into the working world. My personal view is to have the students watch the video, then have them break up into small groups and discuss the three strategies. An additional assignment could be to have them keep a gratitude journal throughout the semester and at the end of the semester, describe how keeping that journal affected them during the course of the semester.

What other ways could you see incorporating this talk into a curriculum?

Until next time … live long, life-learner!



Dr. D. M. Hardy

I have a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology, and an Ed.D. in Adult & Career Education. I enjoy spreading knowledge, because we all need to be life-long learners.