Online Defensive Driving Courses

Dr. D. M. Hardy
4 min readMar 18, 2022


Defensive driving courses are ones that are structured to help individuals learn how to drive safely and drive in accordance with motor vehicle laws. This is not a new type of course but one that has gained increasing recognition over the past few years. Some individuals take these courses in the case of a traffic violation where there will be points added to their license if they do not complete a defensive driving course. Other individuals may take a defensive driving course to get a better rate on their automobile insurance whereas some people take the course simply to better their driving skills and decrease their chances of being involved in a car accident.

Photographer: Rick Rogers | Source: Unsplash

Whatever the reason may be for completing a defensive driving course, there is one particular way to complete the course that is highly recommended. That is to take the defensive driving course online. There are many reasons associated with online defensive driving courses which make taking a course in this manner a very attractive concept.


Perhaps the number one reason why individuals take defensive driving courses online is due to the convenience that is associated with taking courses from a home computer connected to the Internet. By taking a defensive driving course online one can study and “attend class” whenever it best fits into their schedule. It is also convenient because they are able to complete the course from the comfort of their own home and there is no need to sit in traffic on the way to and from a course center. The convenience aspect is an extremely desirable one, especially in today’s busy world.

Easier to Concentrate

Another reason to take a defensive driving course online is the sheer fact that many find it easier to concentrate in a quiet environment than in a crowded classroom with a number of other individuals present. Some people find it easier to think when they are completing a course in the privacy of their own home where others will not be around to distract them.

Structured Course Format

An additional benefit to taking a defensive driving course online is that online courses of this type are ones that have a structured format to them. As courses that are taught by an instructor may sometimes be a bit garbled and unfocused, depending on the teacher, it may be harder to follow that type of instruction. With online courses, one will most likely receive a structured outline of the course and it may be much easier to follow along with an online course for defensive driving than other types of courses.

Reviewable Format

Another great reason to take part in a defensive driving course online is that the course format is more likely to be reviewable than if an individual were taking the course in a structured classroom setting. How many times has one been in a classroom where the instructor talks a mile a minute and taking notes as fast as the individual is talking is impossible? If the answer to this is in the affirmative, then taking advantage of a defensive driving course online may be highly advisable. One does not have to move on to the next section until they completely understand the current section which they are working on.

Online Testing Methods

Many of these online defensive driving courses will not only provide coursework for the individuals to partake in but an online test at the end of the course as well. These tests are often required in order to receive the official completion certificate. Requiring individuals to pass the test is a way to show that the coursework was completed and a lesson was learned as a result of engaging in the course. Many of these tests provided by online defensive driving courses are multiple-choice and some will even allow a retest should it be necessary for the individual to successfully complete the course and receive a completion certificate.

Delivery of Completion Certificates

Some states will require that individuals who embark on these types of defensive driving courses hand in their completed certificate in person at the governmental office or insurance company, whichever entity it may be that needs evidence of certification. Once an individual completes a defensive driving course online, they will be presented with a completion certificate showing that the particular course has been successfully completed. This is extremely beneficial for those individuals who have to turn in their certificates of completion to governmental agencies or insurance companies. They are presented with concrete evidence which shows that the course was completed.

Additional Tip

An important thing to keep in mind is to always check with the appropriate governmental entity or insurance company if one is interested in taking an online defensive driving course in order to satisfy a requirement. As some entities may require certain types of defensive driving courses to be completed, it is also important to look into that matter before embarking on a particular defensive driving course route.

Online defensive driving courses are wonderful ways in which to learn how to operate a motor vehicle as safely as possible and at times also learn about certain motor vehicle laws which may affect the driver. Whether one is looking to meet court-ordered requirements, obtain a lower automobile insurance rate, or simply improve their defensive driving skills, taking an online course in order to do so may be the best bet for those particular individuals.

Note: This content was curated from a third party.



Dr. D. M. Hardy
Dr. D. M. Hardy

Written by Dr. D. M. Hardy

I have a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology, and an Ed.D. in Adult & Career Education. I enjoy spreading knowledge, because we all need to be life-long learners.

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