Don’t “Flip” out on me!

Dr. D. M. Hardy
2 min readNov 3, 2021

Ok, so I’ve been a bit busy and have not had time recently to watch and review TED Talks. I’m hoping to get back to that very soon.

Photographer: Liam Shaw | Source: Unsplash

However, in the meantime, I wanted to show you all a book I came across in a work-related training session that I think is amazing and something that any instructor who teaches online courses should have on hand!

99 Tips for Creating Simple and Sustainable Educational Videos: A Guide for Online Teachers and Flipped Classes
By Karen Costa

Note: This link is an Amazon Affiliate link and I may earn a very small commission if you make a purchase through this link.

If you are struggling with how to quickly and easily make videos to keep your students engaged, this book will be a great resource for you. Keep in mind that no one book is the “end all” of tips and tricks. There are other resources out there. But this is a great starting place if you are struggling in this arena. Here’s some info from the Amazon page:

Student satisfaction and course engagement levels increase with the use of instructor-generated videos — the subject of this book.

Beginning by outlining the different types of videos you can create, and what the research says about their effectiveness, Karen Costa explains how they can be designed to reinforce learning, to align with and promote course outcomes, and to save you time across your courses. She then describes how to create successful videos with commonly available technologies such as your smartphone, and without a major investment of time, demonstrating the simple steps she took to develop her bank of videos and build her confidence to deliver short, straightforward learning aids that are effective and personal.

If you’ve been wanting to include videos in your teaching but haven’t found the time or confidence, this book will help you to develop a simple and sustainable video development process, supporting both your success and the success of your students.

Sometimes all you need is someone to shine the light on the path so you can move forward. That’s what Karen does in this book. So whether you need ideas or need to develop some confidence, this book is a great first step on this path of improving your online classroom engagement.



Dr. D. M. Hardy

I have a M.Ed. in Instructional Technology, and an Ed.D. in Adult & Career Education. I enjoy spreading knowledge, because we all need to be life-long learners.